Identity+ Gurgaon and Delhi is a wonderful experience. Our Clients are Warmly greeted at reception and made comfortable. Team identity+ is committed to Patient centric approach and all efforts of Doctors and auxiliaries is making the whole experience of dental treatment fearless, painless and surprise free.
First Visit
On your arrival at Identity + after warm welcome and proper sanitization you shall be taken to state of art consultation room. Dr.Sharad Gupta and Dr.Vishakha Gupta shall examine you clinically, Proper digital radiographs and digital photographs are made so as to establish complete diagnosis and proper comprehensive treatment plan for your dental problem.
Dentistry at Identity+ is based upon relationship building and long term results.
Pricing Policy and Payments
Identity + has a uniform pricing for routine dental procedures and the price list is also published on
the website ( We believe in global dentistry and have a single pricing policy for
national and international clients. Pricing for advanced dental procedures are decided after
thorough examinations and as per the requirements of the client dental situation.
For Price list click here A wide variety of options are available for online payments including credit card and digital wallet.
Dental Tourism
Identity+ is committed to helping clients living all around the globe to have a beautiful smile. Identity+ takes pride to be one of the top smile designing centres in India. We not only believe in giving you best dental care but to create facially driven smiles that complement your face!
To create the magical smile on your face, we have in-house smile studio and advanced Digital Smile Design software which helps in your facial analysis and planning process.