The success to good oral health is through healthy Teeth and Gums. Gums are the pink tissue surrounding the neck and entire length of the tooth and alveolar bone that contains the root of the teeth. Healthy gum is pink and firm with no bleeding . Gum disease may set in due to various reason including systemic medical conditions like diabetes, hypothyroidism , vitamin deficiency and other besides local conditions like mouth breathing , maligned teeth s etc. However, the single major cause of gum disease remains the bacterial biofilm that is in the form of plaque and tartar deposits and can be attributed to faulty tooth brushing and inadequate oral hygiene care.

Early gum disease may manifest as bleeding of gums and bad odour and is known as Gingivitis , If left untreated it may progress to moderate loss of tooth supporting bone and slowly involves both gums and tooth bone and is termed periodontitis. Early gingivitis and periodontitis can be managed conservatively by scaling and closed curettage along with waterless YSGG laser Pocket decontamination.

As periodontitis progresses with further gum pocket deepening and alveolar bone loss it causes tooth to loosen along with food lodgement , spaces appearing between teeth and sometimes migration of teeth.

Waterlase REPAIR Protocol allows management of moderate periodontitis without opening painful flaps. The laser tip removes unhealthy granulation tissue from the inner pocket lining, decontaminates the pocket, modify the denuded root surface and initates healthy cementum mediated true periodontal and gum repair. The procedure is a wonderful solutions to pockets upto 6 mm.

In severe periodontitis with pockets more then 6 mm a micro flap along with waterless REPAIR protocol is combined to achieve full debribement of biofilm and Periodontal healing.Not only the unhealthy tissue is removed but also it leads to gum tightening as collagen turnover is increased due to waterless Gum treatment.

Waterlase YSGG laser is an excellent technology that can be useful to treat both gingivitis and periodontitis with minimal pain , minimal invasion and comfortable post operative outcomes

Waterlase gum treatment at identity plus dental clinic Gurgaon is a unique solutions for patients suffering from any type of gum diseases , bleeding gums , gum pockets and loose gums. The gum care truly goes a long way in overall dental health.

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