Have you ever wondered that your smile looks too gummy and this is something that keeps bothering you . Well the good news is that gummy smile is treatable. A good smile can be easily achieved by waterless YSGG laser gum correction making the relationship between the white (Teeth) and Pink (Gums ) balanced
Gummy smile or excessive display of gums may be quite upsetting for some patients Well there are many reasons for excessive gummy smile.
- Excessive height of maxillary bone
- Failure of Gums to recede over erupted teeth
- Poor oral hygiene
- Secondary To some drugs causing gums hyperplasia
- Short upper lip
Well a conventional approach with anaesthesia and surgical blade may be too painful and have a longer healing time after treatment , but with modern waterless YSGG laser at identity plus dental centre at gurgaon achieving perfect smiles and getting rid of excessive gummy smile is a simple OPD procedure that is painless ,requires minimal anaesthesia and there is smooth post operative recovery.
Waterlase YSGG laser can be used to remove excessive gum by removing enlarged gums with a predefined template. Sometimes bone correction is also required to establish a good biological width that is the relationship between the crest of gum margin and crest of tooth bone margin which is normally upto 3 mm minimum.
Waterless allows correcting the gums level and bone level simultaneously in a single visit without pain so as to achieve the correct and pleasing placement of gums at new position. Such procedure is known as laser Crown lengthening and is routinely done for gummy smile correction and as a part of cosmetic dentistry procedures before veneers and crown is planned.
When the gummy smile is due to short lip a lip release or repositioning surgery can also be done with waterless laser without any pain or post operative discomfort. Waterlase is very kind and soft to tissue whether it is skin, gums , teeth or bone.