Root canal is a common dental condition that is major reason behind dental pain world over. Just as much as Root canal treatment is also a well known dental treatment amongst the people and there is nothing secret that It’s a successful procedure.
The tooth consist of three layers outer enamel ,inner dentin and innermost Pulp. When the decay or bacteria’s breaches the outer two layers namely enamel and dentin tooth sensitivity to hot and cold stimulus is increased leading to pain and swelling and ultimately RCT for the definitive cure.
The success of Root Canal Treatment depends upon many factors namely find-ing an experienced dentist, the anatomy of the root canals, the technique used to clean canals, and many more intricate factors related to tooth itself , patient and the clinician in question may work in tandem for a good outcome.
Dr.Vishakha Gupta Root Canal expert at identity plus dental centre Gurgaon is an experienced surgeon having treated over 10000 plus Root canals over last 20 years in all age groups. Currently, for last 02 years she has elevated her game by adding YSGG Waterlase laser to her practice. She is the only clinician as on today using waterless lasers in practice and for Treating RCT in entire Gurgaon and Haryana..
Waterlase RCT has many advantages, it’s almost a game changer and a win win win for patients ,doctors and the practice . Some of the benefits of waterless RCT along with Dr Vishakha ’s 20 + years of experiences are :
- Painless , Gentle and Precise
- Minimal Anaesthesia Requirement
- The Tooth opening required to access root canal is small ,so healthy tooth structure is not cut , your natural tooth is preserved
- Drill free dentistry, No drilling is required. As it is the tooth undergoing Root canal is painful and the vibration of the drill makes it more jittery, Waterlase allows Dr. Vishakha to have a painless route and go drill free inside the roots
- The waterless laser tooth cleaning and disinfection protocol uses Photoacous-tis / Photochemical approach to weed out bacterias hidden deeper inside the root dentine upto 1000 microns unlike in convention approach only chemical irrigation with syringe that only removes superficial debris and not cleanses laterally in the ca-nal com-pletely
- Stubborn chronic lesions, can be very well cleaned and successfully saved by waterless laser dentistry at identity plus dental centre Gurgaon
- Severe pain due to Root canal infection may be very disturbing and conven-tional approach may be very very painful and bad experience. Waterlase laser al-lows gentle approach to sever infected root canals even without physically touching the tooth only with laser light and water. Thus we can manage difficult and impossible cases successfully, confidently and better than any other approach at our centre.
- Painless RCT with waterless YSGG laser leaves an impeccable ,soothing im-pact on patient and they turn into positive dental patients with sweet memories for-ever.
- Root canal treatment with waterless YSGG laser at identity plus dental cen-tre gurgaon by Dr. Vishakha gupta is also loved by young Children, kids and par-ents. Mom loves bringing their children to us and the results are outstanding.