Dental laser are one of the most innovative and patient centric technology that
has been under-utilised by Dental clinicians across the globe. The new Waterless MD i Plus is an All tissue laser that is exclusively available at identity plus dental centre Gurgaon as on today. This one Technology is a one man armour to treat a wide variety of dental problems in a simple , painless and happy outcome both for the clinician and the patient. There is however some underlying Myths associated with Dental lasers that needs to be put to rest once and forever ;
Myth 1. Laser is not safe : Dental laser is not radiation it’s not same as X -RAY Waterlase YSGG laser is extremely safe and is in the near infrared end of the spectrum of light. All dental lasers are in the visible – invisible range of spectrum and also non ionising. Dental laser are highly recommended for dental treatment just like in other medical specialities like eye, gynaecology ,skin and surgeries. If laser can be used for eye safely it can be used to treat teeth’s and gums too
Myth 2. Laser treatment is painful : Well, Laser in dentistry are known for painless , minimal requirements for anaesthesia and least discomforting post operative outcomes unlike conventional dental treatment. Waterlase YSGG seals blood vessels and capillaries in the vicinity of surgery and hence pain perception and postoperative discomfort is minimal. Besides, laser render the surgical and operative field to be bacte-ricidal and allows for faster healing .
Myth 3. Laser can’t treat children : Dental laser is very safe. Waterlase YSGG laser can be used safely for newborn ,infants ,children’s , young adult , adults and seniors including elderly with precision ,utmost comfort and superior outcomes. Age is not a restriction for laser use especially Waterlase. even medically compromised pa-tients can be safely treated with Waterless .
Myth 4 : Laser can’t treat all dental problems ; Waterlase YSGG at identity plus dental centre is an All tissue laser. It can easily treat enamel ,dentin , pulp, cemen-tum, root ,bone , ceramic, gums, mucosa and skin. it’s total versatility that allows doc-tors at Identity plus dental centre to address almost all dental situations to be treated with gentle care and painless approach. truly speaking its a drill free, blade free suture free dentistry
Myth 5. Laser treatment is costly : Waterlase YSGG treatment at identity plus dental centre gurgaon is not costly at all. Its cost effective indeed. The combination of Technology and 45 plus of cumulative clinical experiences of doctors at identity Plus of-fers world class dental treatment to complex dental problem. The treatment is fast , simplified and comforting. The number of appointments are reduced, the requirements of antibiotics and pain killers is reduced , there is little or almost no post operative discom-fort hence recovery is fast so productivity is also not hindered. Overall the treatment done with waterless YSGG is more long lasting so return on investment is very very high and comforting
The waterless YSGG laser at identity plus dental centre is a drill free dentistry ex-perience by Dr.Sharad Gupta smile designer and Dr.Vishakha Gupta , Root Canal Specialist. The doctors uses the technology to treat a wide variety of dental problems like Root canal treatment, cavity treatment, oral lesion excision, gum depigmentations, cosmetic dental surgery, kids dentistry and much more on a daily basis