What is a root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment, as the term suggests, is the treatment to repair infected canals inside the roots of the tooth, where Nerve and Blood vessels reside.
When the decay extends from enamel into the dentin and further reaches the nerve tooth, it becomes painful as the nerve gets contaminated leading to infection. This tooth cannot be treated by simple filling, so we can repair the tooth with a root canal instead of removing it.
Put your mind at ease as we dispel three common myths about root canals:
- Myth 1: Root canal treatment is painful.
(VOICE) is not painful as the procedure is done under local anesthesia and the patient feels comfortable throughout the procedure. Modern endodontic technologies make the treatment faster and painless. Additionally, because endodontists are experienced in treating pain, the majority of cases may be handled promptly and gently.
- Myth 2: Root canal treatment causes illness.
(VOICE) The ideal course of action is always to preserve your original teeth. It is crucial to always think about getting root canal treatment rather than extraction in order to preserve the function and appearance of natural teeth. The success rate of RCT is high, and many teeth that have had root canal therapy had survived a lifetime.
- Myth 3: Pulling out a tooth is better than having a root canal treatment.
(VOICE) Earlier root canals were done in 5-6 visits or maybe more, but with modern endodontic technologies, these procedures can be done in minimum visits i.e., one or two sittings depending upon the infection in the teeth.
CONCLUSION: RCT is a non-invasive painless procedure that can save the tooth and there is no need to get the painful tooth extracted. The function of the tooth i.e., chewing remains the same. It is advised to visit your dentist if you have initial signs and symptoms of pain.